Website Daily News

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

TMS Families,

First quarter grades have officially been published in the “Portfolio” section of Skyward in “Report Card” format. If you need a refresher on how to access the report card, here is the link for accessing your student’s report card in Skyward. The link is actually attached to directions that were typed up last year, so be sure to click on the one with today’s date, 10/25/2023, for this year’s first quarter report card. Teachers will be happy to answer any report card-related questions during the Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences that are scheduled for the next two days. As a reminder, there is no school for students until Monday, due to these Parent-Teacher Conferences. 

We had a great time at TMS this afternoon as our Fall Assemblies provided a great culminating event for the student council-sponsored Red Ribbon Week. Check out the pictures and videos from our assemblies

TMS Pictures: October Photo Album

Scholastic Book Fair: Students will begin shopping during their normal library times next week, but parents are encouraged to stop by the TMS Book Fair this week if it’s open in the library while they are in the building for conferences. The book fair is supposed to be delivered and set up at TMS sometime tomorrow. 

Daily Announcements: Would you like to have access to the daily announcements that TMS students hear each morning at school? If so, please go to the “Daily News” section on our TMS Website.