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8th Grade Students and Parents,

Please read the PSAT Parent Letter for information regarding the registration for and administration of the College Board's PSAT 8/9, which will be offered to all TMS 8th graders on April 14th. In order to take this test, you will need to complete the attached registration form and pay the $15 fee by Friday, February 11th. I highly recommend all 8th grade students take advantage of this opportunity, especially those who hope to attend a college or university after graduating high school.

In addition, all 8th graders will be participating in the Illinois Youth Survey during their science classes on February 14th. The IYS is a statewide student survey about substance use and related issues. It is conducted in schools with grade levels 8, 10, and 12 in the spring of even years. With the funding of the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Center for Prevention Research and Development (CPRD) at the University of Illinois coordinates the survey at no charge to schools throughout the state.

The anonymous data collected through the IYS or any group survey depends on widespread participation. The higher percentage of students who participate, the more accurate results for the school will be. Improved knowledge helps schools provide more effective solutions to prevent youth substance use and related problems. If for some readon, you do not want your child to take this anonymous survey, please fill out the opt-out form and return it to TMS by Friday, February 11th.