Triad CUSD #2 is currently seeking multiple certified and non-certified positions for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/applyattriad or contact Jay Simpson at jay.simpson@tcusd2.org. #TriadTogether

The Triad Summer Lunch program has begun and is available Monday - Friday from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM at locations in Troy and St. Jacob. For more information, view the graphic below or visit https://5il.co/1v5zv

Tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Notice the dismissal times for each level. Have a safe and enjoyable summer! We will see you in the fall!!! #TriadTogether

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!!! #TriadTogether

Tomorrow @ Troy's Dunkin' Donuts! For more information, visit https://www.soill.org/blog/events/dunkin/.

Happy National Speech Pathologist Day! Thank you, Triad speech pathologists, for making a difference, one word at a time. Your work is truly remarkable, and the impact you have is immeasurable. #TriadTogether

Congratulations to Tina Murray from Triad Middle School for receiving the Region 5 - 2023 Outstanding Educational Support Professionals Award! #TriadTogether

🩺 To the school nurses who provide comfort, support, and medical care to our students, we can't thank you enough. Your role is essential, and your impact is immeasurable. Happy #SchoolNurseDay! #TriadTogether

Join us in celebrating our school lunch heroes! 🦸 We are so thankful to have an exceptional team that works hard day in and day out to ensure the kiddos in our community are fueled for success. To our school lunch heroes, thank you for all you do! #TriadTogether

This is a reminder that tomorrow, May 3rd, will be a School Improvement Day for the Triad district. Elementary students will be released at 11:45 AM, middle school students at 10:30 AM, and high school students at 10:45 AM.

This week we are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week! Triad is celebrating all our teachers' hard work, dedication, and passion! Thank you for all that you do to make learning fun, meaningful, and impactful. We appreciate you! #TriadTogether

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all the incredible administrative professionals of Triad Schools! We appreciate the hard work of those who keep our district and schools running smoothly!✏️💻 #TriadTogether

Tonight's board meeting saw a goodbye to member Laura Dods and a hello to member Amy Moss. Thank you, Laura, for your years of service to the Triad district and welcome Amy! #TriadTogether

We're excited to announce registration for Beyond The Bell is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information about the program, our program coordinator, or to register, visit https://www.tcusd2.org/page/beyond-the-bell.

Online Enrollment & Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Information about the enrollment/registration process has been posted to https://www.tcusd2.org/article/1068913. #TriadTogether

Triad schools will be closed on Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th for Easter Break. We will see everyone on Tuesday, April 11th! #TriadTogether

The revised 22-23 School Calendar has been posted to our websites taking into account the snow day taken. The new last day of school is Friday, May 26, 2023 which is a half day of student attendance. The revised calendar can be found at https://5il.co/1s41m #TriadTogether

Information about Kindergarten Open House for 2023-2024 Enrollment has been posted to the district and all school websites. For more information, visit https://www.tcusd2.org/article/1065273. #TriadTogether

Happy National Assistant Principals Week! A special thank you to all of our assistant principals for all you do for us at Triad CUSD #2. #APWeek #TriadProud

📚School Librarian Appreciation Day! Thank you to all Triad librarians & librarian aides! Libraries play a critical role in the happiness of students.📘Research shows that people who read for fun are more likely to feel happy and confident!📚🤓#ReadDaily #TriadTogether